“Since then, I’ve beat every single agency my ads have competed against by at least 50%, and in some cases, 75%. Travis’s formula helped me go from being an average media buyer to an amazing one. My clients are thrilled with the results.”
Agency Founder, Offer Upstart
Dear fellow Media Buyer,
It’s tough out there. Media buyers and ad agencies are a dime a dozen, and competition is steep!
When I first started teaching my proven ad-buying formula to agencies and media buyers, I was nervous.
I knew that I had to completely reinvent myself and everything I’d learned.
Before I spent tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours figuring out how to consistently get my clients great results with paid ads, I was falling flat.
Helping media buyers and ad agencies destroy their competition and become indispensable to their clients.
Yet, piece by piece, I built a high ROAS formula that worked really well for me.
It helped me escape the typical low-ball retainers most media buyers get stuck in, and get much higher monthly retainers of $5k to $10k—plus healthy commissions (I’ll tell you more about this formula in just a minute).
But I didn’t know if my high ROAS formula would work for other media buyers.
First, I taught it to my friend Brooklyn. She was doing fine getting new clients, but she struggled to get consistent results with her ads. She was always afraid her head was on the chopping block.
After implementing my high ROAS formula, her clients now treat her as a partner because of the high returns she gets them consistently.
Then, I taught it to my friend Chris. He struggled to get long-term clients… instead of one-off projects… in his white-label funnel-building agency.
He added the running of Facebook Ads using my high ROAS formula to his offer and, within just a few months, he’s started keeping the majority of his clients on for much longer retainers. His income has increased dramatically as a result.
Agency Founder, Brooklyn Kay Marketing Co
When I showed my high ROAS formula to my friend Austin, he said to me… “Travis, you’ve got to share this with more people. It’s dynamite!”
So, I did. I started teaching more media buyers like Brooklyn, Chris, and Austin my formula, and I’ll tell you more about how you can get in on my closely guarded secrets in just a minute.
Each time I taught my formula, these media buyers started seeing increased results within a day or two. And within 3 or 4 months, their results were 2x, 3x, and even 4x return on ad spend.
This works so well, you can prove it for yourself for just $10 a day in ad spend. And it can take you to over $10,000 a day in ad spend!
You don’t have to run MASSIVE amounts of traffic to start getting great results. Though, on average, it does take about 3 months to see the bigger 3x and 4x returns… if you stick to the formula.
But before I get into the details of this formula, let me tell you how I got here.
Before I figured out my high ROAS formula, I was a super frustrated, nearly broke media buyer.
I was about to get married and pretty freaked out that I wasn’t going to be able to support my wife.
Would we have to move in with my in-laws to make ends meet?
And even after taking a bunch of courses, joining coaching programs, and spending over $60k in training…
I still couldn’t keep any clients for more than a month or two.
It totally sucked.
I had to figure something out, and FAST!
Otherwise, I’d have to go back to teaching guitar lessons for crappy pay and see the disappointment on my fiance’s face.
I pored over the different ad accounts I’d worked on, trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. And I started noticing some patterns.
Many media-buying influencers tell you to simply increase the lead flow into your funnels to fix conversions. But my numbers showed something completely different. If all you do is increase the number of leads you have entering the funnel, there’s no guarantee that they won’t escape through the cracks of the funnel as fast as they entered.
Over and over, I saw that the key to each successful campaign came to steps I took way before I opened up the Ads Manager and started running the ads.
I began taking these few extra steps to prepare for each campaign launch, including…
Making sure the structure of my client’s funnel didn’t have holes where leads could drop off, completely wasting their ad spend.
Digging deeper into audience research to better understand the prospect's pains and desires and how they connected to the offer.
Either re-writing or helping my client or their copywriter re-write the ad copy in a much more persuasive way that I discovered after studying hundreds of great ads.
Preparing what I call a “Media Game Plan,” which makes setting up the ads in Ads Manager MUCH faster and easier. It helps you make all the many decisions required to launch your ads beforehand. Plus, it keeps all the campaigns, ad sets, ads, audiences, targeting plans, and other assets organized and easy to access, test, and track.
I call these extra steps my “pre-launch” steps. And they’ve become an integral part of the successes I’ve had running ads for my clients.
Most Facebook Ads programs either neglect these crucial “pre-launch” steps, or just skim over the surface.
Instead, they focus mostly on turning on the switches in the ads manager, a little basic testing, and that’s about it.
This is a huge recipe for disaster.
Here’s the issue…
When you’re in the Ads Manager, there are TONS of decisions to make. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the decisions and mess up your ads without really knowing it.
And once your ads are running, there’s a whole lot of data you have to sort through. If you know how to interpret the data, you’ll be able to figure out what’s working, what’s not working, and how to scale profitably.
However, most media buying programs don’t focus nearly enough on crucial “before launch” preparations and “after launch” data interpretation and scaling secrets.
Additionally, it’s become the trend to just let Facebook’s AI take care of all your targeting… which is another massive mistake.
Yes, the AI is very powerful. But if you let it run free without a little guidance, and without setting up a few simple pre-launch steps, you won’t get the most out of the AI… not by a long shot.
To sum it up…
Without a solid and all-inclusive “pre-launch” strategy…
Without a way to best harness the power of Facebook’s targeting AI in your favor…
And without the right data interpretation and testing methods…
Your ads will very rarely be profitable.
With knowledge, I was able to start getting very consistent results for my clients, and for the agency owners and media buyers I taught to use my methods.
These discoveries were…
The MISSING LINK I was looking for!
The more I taught my discoveries to other media buyers, the more I realized that, wherever you are in your media buying career, they can work for you.
If you’re a beginner, you can quickly get grounded in the fundamentals of this formula.
It’s a step-by-step media buying and conversion rate optimization formula that helps you become a strong intermediate media buyer within a couple of weeks.
You’ll also learn advanced techniques through a logical progression of tasks. And you’ll get really quick at finding the leaks in any funnel.
And if you’re already a media buying expert, this formula will show you how to take what’s working for you already and get the kind of results I’ve been getting for my clients, like these…
In my first campaign with Tyler Koronich, the founder of TRVFIT, a fitness and supplement company, I got his cost-per-click down 84% to only $1.11. Before, he had been paying $7 for each click.
That’s a 600% improvement, which turned a poor 0.6x return-on-ad-spend into a hugely profitable 4.2x return-on-ad-spend.
Cost-per-click report for Tyler Koronich of TRVFIT
I helped Matt Dancho, the founder of Business Science, get a 22.93x return-on-ad-spend for an online course launch, resulting in $215,127 in revenue with only $9,382 in ad spend.
Revenue report for Matt Dancho at Business Science
And since I started running ads for Bridger Pennington, who coaches investors, we’ve spent over $3M on ads and brought in total revenue of over $21M.
Revenue report for Bridger Pennington at Fund Launch
Bridger ran a 90-day ad contest between my team and Dean Graziosi’s ad agency.
The Graziosi agency got a few sales over the 90 days, but they did it at a loss of $14k.
Using my formula during the same 90 days, Bridger’s team brought in over $104k in profit.
Profit report from test against Dean Graziosi’s Ad Agency
The high ROAS formula I’ve built and honed over the past few years teaches you how to get your clients great results by maximizing the conversion-rate-optimization (CRO) of each campaign.
That may sound complicated, and like it takes a ton of extra work. Yet, it’s a lot easier than you might think.
Actually, if you stick with my step-by-step formula, within a few short months, you’ll naturally begin maximizing the CRO of each campaign.
That’s when you start seeing the 3x, 4x, and even bigger results. That’s when you can start getting bigger retainers.
And that’s when you’ll start keeping clients much longer… as much as 12 months or more… instead of constantly going through the feast and famine, stuck on the never-ending “hunt-for-the-next-client” merry-go-round.
Your clients will feel and appreciate how invested you are in their full marketing strategies, and you will quickly become irreplaceable to them.
With your ability to maximize CRO, this formula will keep working even when the platform and algorithm inevitably change without warning… as they tend to do frequently.
You’ll be well on your way to becoming a CRO expert… which is far more valuable than being just another media buyer.
"I hit a ceiling and couldn't scale past $1,000 per day. With one tip, Travis helped me identify and fix my biggest bottleneck, which helped me scale to $2,000 a day in ad spend with over a 3x ROAS."
Founder, Painter Growth
I hear a lot of people say...
“My ads didn’t work because the algorithm changed again.”
If these people learned to run ads from a typical Facebook Ads course, this statement is probably true… because the majority of media buying strategies the gurus teach are short-sighted and depend almost entirely on the functionality of the platform.
And this is the main reason why they can’t get more than the industry standard $2k to $3k retainers. And it’s why they struggle to get any additional commissions, or even keep clients longer than a month or two on average.
But when you work to maximize conversion-rate-optimization—like you will when using my step-by-step formula—it doesn’t matter what types of changes occur on the ad platform or with the algorithm. Because you’re using a robust strategy, of which, the platform is just one piece of the puzzle.
My formula puts you in control of every campaign, no matter what changes come.
Of course, you’ll have to adjust the way you use the formula slightly each time a platform change occurs.
But you’ll always be in control.
And even though it’s a robust formula…
It only takes about a week or two to
implement the whole program.
This is a quality-over-quantity program. I cut through all the fluff and distill the exact progression of steps you need to take to deliver the high ROAS this formula is capable of delivering.
That way, you have all you need to get great results, command higher monthly retainers and commissions, and become indispensable to your clients who will need you on their team long term.
This is the last ads program you’ll ever need.
And when updates come to the platform, this program will be updated shortly after so you never have to worry about it becoming outdated.
So now, let’s jump into the step-by-step progression of my formula so I can show you how it can work for you.
Agency Founder, Doug Pew Copywriting
First, it’s important to note who this program is NOT for.
It is not designed for eCommerce, direct-to-consumer physical product businesses.
It’s a program specifically designed to help media buyers and ad agencies who work in lead generation, and who serve coaches, course creators, and high-ticket service providers.
Whether you’re brand new or running up to $500k a month in ad spend, this program will make you a media buying pro.
Now, let’s get the big question…
What makes this program different from other media buying programs?
This is not just another do-it-yourself course.
You get ongoing support from me inside our online Media Buying Pro private community platform for no additional charge… and no monthly subscription.
You pay once and get to keep the training program for life. Plus, for the first 50 members…you get two monthly group coaching calls with me and other media buyers in the program for a whole year.
You won’t be left to your own devices.
I’ll be here to help you along the way.
Co-Founder, The Plumbing Gurus
And no, the program won’t ever get outdated. In fact, as new changes to the algorithm and user-experience occur, updates to the trainings will take place–so you can be sure it’s evergreen.
Now, as I walk you through my formula, I’ll show you exactly what’s unique about it, and how it will help you start getting higher ROAS, leading to higher retainers and commissions.
I’ve dialed in everything I use to get my coaches and course creator clients high ROAS into 9 individual video masterclasses… one for each step of my formula.
In total, the program takes only 2-and-a-half hours to watch. And I give you all my tracking sheets, pre-launch checklists, and after-launch testing checklists to make getting high ROAS faster and easier.
Plus, I give you my favorite and most helpful testing tool. I call it, my…
“Holy Grail ROAS Calculator.”
What if you could forecast the profitability of your funnel BEFORE you spend a single dollar on ads?
Well, now you can, with my “Holy Grail ROAS Calculator".
All you do is enter the data you collect from the Ads Manager and enter it into the calculator. Immediately, you will see which step of the funnel is causing the problem.
You won’t have to wonder why your funnel isn’t profitable. You’ll know right away.
Holy Grail ROAS Spreadsheet
As you start using my 9-part formula, you’ll start seeing increased results within a day or two. Though, on average, it takes the media buyers and ad agencies I’ve helped about 3 months to see the 3x, 4x, and bigger returns.
It’s important to follow each of the steps one at a time. And remember, though 9 steps seem like a lot, you can easily finish them and learn the entire formula in a short afternoon.
Don’t give in to the temptation to jump ahead and start working in the Ads Manager before you work through the crucial pre-launch steps. Without the pre-launch steps, I can’t guarantee you’ll get the results I’m promising.
Okay, let’s dive in.
Without a profitable funnel structure, you and your clients have lost before you’ve begun.
In fact, if a potential client comes to me for help with ads and they don’t have one of the 6 profitable funnel structures I’ll teach you…
I turn them away because I know no amount of ad spend will make their leaky funnel work.
Most media buyers, and media buying programs, don’t take the time to worry about funnel structure. They just jump in and start running ads.
In Video #1 of our high-ROAS formula, I’ll give you some confidence-building tools you can use right away, including…
The only 6 funnel structures I run ads for. Knowing these profitable funnel structures will immediately give you enormous confidence in your ability to run positive ROAS campaigns. With the visual charts of each funnel I give you in this video, you’ll never have to wonder if they’ll work for your clients.
After years of testing, these are the 6 funnels I know I can help you get results for every time. They are all any coach or course creator needs to grow a highly successful business.
The only 3 types of offers your clients should ever run ads to. Like knowing your profitable funnel structures, understanding these 3 offers and why they work gives you great clarity from the outset. Even on your sales calls, knowing these offers will prove to potential clients that you’re a media buyer they can trust. And if they’re not sure which of the 3 types to start with, I’ll show you which one I always suggest. It’s the one that creates the most upfront profit.
Common funnel-structure mistakes and how to fix them. There are TONS of different funnel structures to choose from and hundreds of possible bells and whistles you “could” add. Apart from how confusing all this can be… and the challenge of decision overwhelm… these bells and whistles can easily distract you from big, money-sucking mistakes. I’ll show you how to avoid them so you can give your clients the very best chance of profitability right out of the gate.
How to use the “Holy Grail ROAS Calculator” to predict the success of each funnel. Clarifying the sales process inside your funnels and understanding how and where to improve each of the 6 funnel structures you’ll use will boost your confidence even more. And with the “Holy Grail ROAS Calculator,” you’ll discover almost immediately the best ways to boost ROAS in each campaign.
With your profitable funnel structure dialed in, you’re ready for…
Most media buyers rely on their clients to provide information about the prospects, the product, the offers, and all other aspects of each campaign. This is a mistake.
Yes, the client can give you useful information. But when you follow my research plan in this video, you’ll discover a highly valuable treasure chest of information that can set you apart from the competition in a big and lucrative way.
Why? Because you’ll understand the prospect even better than your client does, in most cases. This knowledge will help you find the sweet spot in each campaign that unlocks results.
In Step 2 you’ll also discover…
Internal VS external research processes and how they set you apart from the competition. A lot of agencies skip with the internal or external part of the crucial research process. I’ll show you how, with both types of research, you can hit the persuasive target on the bullseye in your campaigns.
It sounds complicated. But with my worksheets, it’s very easy. It will take a little extra time during the pre-launch phase. But this is one of the steps that brings my clients the biggest ROAS… and it will do the same for you.
The “Rosetta Stone” prospect profiling system. The one-page prospect profile this process delivers gives you everything you need to create the most persuasive campaigns possible. I’ll show you how to use this one-page profile to organize your research and give you the edge you need to outperform the ad agencies your clients used to employ… by a long shot… giving you greatly improved status and affection of your clients.
4 steps to understanding your competitors so you can beat them every time. I’ve laid out these action steps for you with my research documents, checklists, and fill-in-the-blank templates. It’s so easy to use that you can pass it off to an assistant or VA without sacrificing the success of any campaign, large or small.
Now that you have a strong funnel structure and incredibly valuable research prepared, you’re ready for…
Many media buyers hate writing ad copy. And that’s totally fine. If that sounds like you, you can quickly train an assistant, team member, or copywriter you work with to write superior ad copy.
The great thing about this ad-writing formula is that it’s really easy to figure out, even if you’re TERRIFIED of learning to write copy.
The truth is, you CANNOT ignore the importance of the ad copy in every campaign you run. And now, I’ve made it much easier for you.
This ad-copy formula is the X factor, and in this video, I’ll give you the exact formula I used to beat Dean Graziosi’s ad agency by a landslide, even though we used identical ad images and videos.
What was the difference between them losing the client $14,000 and me bringing in over $104,000 in profits with the same video ads?
It was ad copy I wrote. And the formula you’ll get in this video is exactly what I used then, and what I always use now to get great ROAS for my clients.
In this video, you’ll discover…
The unwritten Meta rules and how to avoid falling into their compliance trap. It’s one thing to understand the written rules of Meta’s ad platform. But sometimes, the thing that gets your ads shut down or your account banned isn’t publicized in Meta’s rulebook. I’ll walk you through the unwritten rules so you can protect yourself and your clients from ad Meta jail.
6 essential ingredients every winning piece of ad copy MUST include. With this ad-writing procedure at work in your ads, you can be confident your message will resonate with the right people at the right time. It’s built on the back of Step #2, the “research riches” tools, and is the most effective tool I’ve ever used to increase profits for my clients.
11 tested and proven video ad hook scripts. The medium of video has become the heavyweight champion of paid ads in many cases. But creating a video ad script… or having someone on your team create it… is different than writing the ad copy itself. You have about 2 seconds to get and keep your audience’s attention.
Over the years, I’ve tested hundreds of different types of video ad hooks. The 11 I’m giving you in this video are the most effective I’ve ever seen. And they’ve stood the test of time and the running of millions of dollars of ad spend in every niche I’ve used them in.
Now, you’re well on your way to preparing for a blockbuster ad campaign launch. But we have one more step before we open up the ads manager.
This may be the most impactful, most profitability-pushing step in the whole process. It’s worked wonders for me and the media buyers I’ve taught it to.
When I look at the Meta Ads Managers of media buyers and ad agencies, they are almost always a complete organizational disaster. They can hardly tell one client’s campaigns from the next. Without proper organization, you could easily become one of those lackluster agencies who can’t pinpoint why their client’s ads aren’t working or have any clue how to fix them.
The Ultimate Media Game Plan worksheets and checklists will keep you incredibly organized to you can know, understand, and accurately interpret your data quickly… almost at a glance.
I never allow my private coaching clients to launch campaigns for their businesses or their clients unless they use this Ultimate Media Game Plan… because they almost always fail without it.
But with it, you stack the deck in your favor. In this video, I’ll show you the secrets of the Ultimate Media Game Plan, including…
How to save tons of time and hassle building your ad assets. In my experience, agencies lose clients after a month or two because they fail to overcome this particular hurdle. It’s unfortunate because it’s really rather easy when you use my Media Gameplan checklists. With this tool in your arsenal, you’ll quickly demonstrate to your clients why they can’t survive without you.
Best bang-for-your-buck audience-finding procedure. Keeping your audiences organized is another Achilles heel for many media buyers. With so many possible audiences at your fingertips, you have to find a way to sort, organize, and control the best audiences for each campaign so you don’t accidentally double up your campaigns and waste money unnecessarily.
How to find the optimal audience size for best results, even in smaller niches. Some of Meta’s AI tools make finding a great audience to target a lot easier. But in many cases, turning off a few of the AI tools gives you a much better idea of who the best audiences for your campaigns will be.
I’ll show you how to use the Media Gameplan to find great audiences that will make the testing process in step 6 easier and more profitable.
Now with this crucial pre-launch work done, you’re ready to open up the Ads Manager and prepare everything for launch.
This is where most media buying trainings begin. I can’t emphasize enough how crucial it is to do follow the previous 4 steps before you start Step #5. This will either MAKE or BREAK your success.
These pre-launch preparations will also give you enormous confidence in your ability to launch your ads without a hitch, giving them the best chance at quick profitability.
In this final pre-launch step, you’ll discover…
How to easily avoid the profitability-killing setup mistakes many media buyers make. I’ll answer crucial questions such as, which credit card is most likely to get your account shut down? How often you should post on a new business page before it’s safe to run paid ads? How do you properly set up your Ads Manager to avoid hackers?
The answers to these questions have repeatedly helped me plug the profit leaks in the ads manager and help your campaigns reach a healthy ROAS faster. They’ll do the same for you.
How to prove to Meta that you’re a trustworthy advertiser. Meta is constantly on the lookout for hackers, scammers, and tricksters. To prove your trustworthiness as an advertiser, you cannot leave any setup stone unturned. I’ll show you the proper pixel, tracking, and customization processes that give you a gold star in Meta’s book.
How many ads you should launch at once to stay on Meta’s good side. Once your account is warmed up and ready to launch, you need to make sure you prepare the proper amount of ads to keep your account healthy. This is especially crucial in the first 5 days of running your ads.
Plus, you don’t want to burn through all your ad-spend too quickly. The correct number of ads you run, and my daily budget recommendations will ensure you’re not wasting money.
At this point, you’ve got all your ducks in a row. You’re organized. You’re ready to prove to Meta that you’re a legit advertiser they should trust. And most importantly, you’ve dialed in your audience targeting.
Now it’s time to launch your campaign!
If you’ve followed the steps in my high ROAS formula up to this point, launching your ads is super easy.
But to make your launch as successful as it can be, you’ve got to be sure you’re prepared with the proper campaign testing tools. It’s not enough to just turn on the switch, cross your fingers, and hope for the best.
In this 6th video of the formula, I’ll give you my testing tools which have been a major game changer for me. They’ve been one of the biggest keys to my success… along with the ad-copy formula from Step 4… to beating the competition and get my clients superior results. They include secrets such as…
The 4 types of campaigns you must text to ensure maximum results. In my experience, most ad agencies and media buyers stop at simple a/b testing. But you won’t get far against the competition if you only use this surface style of testing.
These 4 testing tools helped me beat the top-tier ad agencies of Dean Graziosi and Garrett White by a landslide. They’ll do wonders for you and make you your client’s marketing hero.
How to prepare for campaign scaling without getting shut down. How much you spend on a campaign can determine how well the platform will allow you to scale that campaign. Many ad agencies are too keen to scale too soon that they shoot themselves in the foot and then struggle for months to correct their mistakes. Following the steps I outline will ensure this doesn’t happen to you.
An inexpensive campaign type the algorithm LOVES. Most media buyers don’t know this trick. Meta gives you BIG brownie points when you use this campaign. Not only is it super affordable, but in many cases, it helps you go viral.
How my “Ad Gameplan” worksheet keeps your CPMs as low as possible. The method outlined on this worksheet helps keep your ad costs way down. I’ve tested this method for several years, and it works better than anything I’ve ever tried. It works just as well for new and experienced advertisers.
At this point, if you’ve followed my formula, you’ll start seeing some great momentum in your campaigns. And you’ll be like an agile puppet master, testing, tracking, interpreting the data correctly, and ready to adjust at a moment's notice to keep your campaigns profitable.
And now you’re finally ready for…
Now you’re really on a roll. With these testing methods in place, you’re primed to begin scaling and getting your clients those 2x, 3x, 4x, and even higher returns on their ad spend. This is where you really prove yourself indispensable to their business.
In this video, you’ll discover my tested and proven scaling secrets, including…
How to know when a campaign is ready to scale aggressively. It can be scary to start dumping lots more money into an ad campaign. How do you know if it will work? If you act too soon, you not only won’t scale well, you could make things worse and cause your campaign to fail.
I’ll show you how much you need to be spending before you scale. And I’ll show you the other important benchmarks you need to hit before you get in over your head so you can always be confident and know when the data shows you’re ready to scale healthily.
Vertical and horizontal scaling and when to maximize each. By how much should you increase your adset or campaign budget when starting to scale? And should you put that spend towards vertical scaling, or horizontal scaling? Both types of scaling can work well.
But one is a safer course to scaling in my experience, while the other is a LOT less predictable. I’ll show you how to do both, and show you the warning signs so you never scale in the wrong direction.
How to best avoid campaign fatigue. Good ads rarely last forever. At a certain point, you need to change your creative and refresh your campaigns. I’ll show you how to interpret the data so you can identify when it’s time to change out the creative.
It’s a simple equation based on the amount of ad spend you’re putting into the funnel, and the numbers it yields tells you how many new sets of ad creatives you (or someone on your team, or the client themselves) need to create each month.
As you begin to scale, now you’re ready to mine for gold in…
Again, most media buying programs talk about retargeting campaigns very early on in the process.
In my experience, it’s a mistake to get too deep into retarteging campaigns until you’ve successfully gone through each of the previous steps. Your audience and your pixel aren’t ready to maximize the retargeting potential of the platform without the previous steps.
In this video, I’ll show you…
Right and wrong retargeting. It’s imperative that you send the right retargeting ads to the right people at the right time so they take the next right step in your funnel. The data I’ll teach you to interpret in this video will show you how many people you need in a retargeting category to get these types of ads to deliver properly.
Without this knowledge, you’ll fall into the money-wasting trap many media buyers fall into at this stage of their campaigns… which is why it seems they can never scale as much as they’d like.
Proper retargeting ad copy. Like before, you don’t have to write your ad copy yourself. But you do need to know how to identify the right type of ad copy for retargeting campaigns. When your prospect is ready to be retargeted, they are now in a different stage of awareness with regard to your offers.
Talking to them at this stage the same way you talked to them before they engaged with is a potentially devastating mistake to make. I’ll break down some of my multi-million-dollar retargeting ad copy for you so you can quickly see how to avoid this mistake.
Using Meta’s AI to 11x the size of your audience. There are many situations where using Meta’s AI is a really bad idea. But when it comes to tapping into the full potential of retargeting campaigns, the Meta AI has some serious firepower. I’ll show you how to maximize this firepower in your favor.
And now, you’re ready for the final piece of the puzzle…
This may be the most lucrative step in the formula. But it only works if you’ve laid the foundation with the previous 8 steps.
In this final video masterclass, I’ll show you…
Fast and easy reporting. The biggest complaint I hear from clients who were unhappy with their previous agency is, they couldn’t get good, reliable data to show if their campaigns were really working, or not. Knowing your sales numbers is not enough.
I’ll show you how to prepare reports for your clients that makes interpreting the data easy and accurate so you never have to wonder if what you’re doing is working or not.
Bottleneck detector and fixer-upper. With the proper reports… which really don’t take long to create and manage… you’re ready to identify the bottlenecks in your campaigns. The reports you run, combined with the “Holy Grail ROAS Calculator,” always point you to the exact problem spots in any funnel.
If you don’t know where the bleeding is in any given funnel, how can you stop it, seal the wound, and heal the funnel? Well, you can’t. But now, with the reporting system and ROAS spreadsheet, you’ll never be in doubt about where the leaks are happening. I’ll also show you how to fix them in each of the 6 funnel structures.
These 9 steps will not fail you. This complete CRO optimization formula will help you get 2x, 3x, 4x, and more ROAS.
The formula only stops working if you stop using it, or you if you use it in the wrong order.
But this is not all you get when you join the “Media Buying Pro” program.
You also get…
BONUS #1: Ongoing Twice-A-Month Group Coaching Calls For A Year
As I mentioned a little earlier, I won’t leave you to figure this out on your own.
Each month I welcome you to 2 live group coaching calls.
You can share your screen, open up your Ads Manager, and I can help you with whatever challenges you face.
Only For The First 50 Members. As long as you are reading this page, you can be one of the first 50 members.
BONUS #2: Media Buying Pro Private Community
You also get to join our community of media buyers. Seeing what other media buyers are doing can be incredibly valuable. Many of them may be further along than you are on your media-buying journey.
Now, you get 24/7 access to our community, where you can share your work, ask questions, and get the help you need.
Plus, I’m the community myself almost every day. You can ask me direct questions and get personalized answers from me so you can quickly get unstuck.
BONUS #3: Early Access To The A.I. Advertising Course
Many media buyers struggle to write ad copy. And if they do the writing themselves, it can be a long and challenging process for them.
That is, until now.
Because with my new A.I. advertising course for media buyers… which you get as a free bonus… you can unlock the speed, power, and persuasion of A.I.
I’ll show you how I personally pump out solid ads based on my 6-part ad copy formula we discussed a minute ago.
Soon, you’ll be creating killer ad copy yourself… even if you HATE writing your own copy.
Now, if you’re ready to become an indispensable asset to your clients…
If you’re ready to command higher monthly retainers of $5k and more…
And if you’re ready to beat the competition every time, end the feast-or-famine client cycle, and keep your clients for much longer than you ever could before…
…then it’s time to click the button below and join the “Media Buying Pro” program.
VIDEO MASTERCLASSES: 9-Step Media Buying Pro Formula and Set of Checklists, Tracking Sheets, and ROAS Calculator (Valued at $6,000)
BONUS #1: Ongoing Twice-A-Month Group Coaching Calls For A Full Year (For First 50 Members) (Valued at $9,800)
BONUS #2: Media Buying Pro Private Community (Valued at $997)
BONUS #3: Early Access to A.I. Advertising Course (Valued at $997)
As you begin applying my formula to your campaigns, you’ll start getting great testimonials like these…
Founder, Business Science
The Advocates, Personal Injury Law Firm
"I was floored with Travis's amazing results. He beat out the best eCom ad agency in the world. He blew them out of the water. He got rid of all our bottlenecks through every step of our funnel.
He lowered our cost-per-click by over 700%. And we've moved more product and filled more events than ever with the campaigns he's run for us."
Founder, TRVFIT
Founder, OnlineJobs.ph
Estate Attorney
"With Travis's help, I was able to create a huge amount of growth and lead generation. It was absolutely incredible. I can't say enough about him. He's an absolute wizard."
Coaching, Real Estate Investors
Naturally, you’re questioning whether or not this program is worth the investment.
I would be asking the same question if I were in your shoes.
When I teach my formula to media buyers in a 1-on-1 coaching situation, I charge $6,000.
You’re getting it for under $2,000… AND… you STILL get access to me, and my coaching in our twice-a-month group calls… and through the discussion board in our private community.
It took me over $60,000 of courses and coaching and masterminds to figure all of this out.
And, I’ve refined the process by running many millions of dollars of my client's ads profitably.
Of course, you could go through the same steps I did to get here.
Or, you can shortcut the process and get my proven formula working for you right away by enrolling in this program.
It is the exact formula I use to generate much higher ROAS for my clients… into the many millions of dollars of profit.
If you’d like lifetime access to this formula that can make your $5k to $10k per month from each retainer client…
…then this might be the best $1,997 you’ve ever spent.
That’s certainly how my client Jordan felt after he tripled his monthly revenue after 3 months using the formula.
Of course, the choice is yours.
But you can also rest well know that you’re covered by my money-back guarantee.
Try It FREE for 30 Days!
Here’s my promise to you…
The “Media Buying Pro” program is exactly how I’ve helped agency owners like you triple their revenue and keep clients for MUCH longer than the 1-3 month industry norm.
It will do the same for you if you put the system to work in the way I teach you.
You have everything you need right here to achieve the success you’ve been looking for. I guarantee it.
But, if for some reason you don’t get results after implementing our high ROAS formula, just let me and my team know with a quick email to travis@adpushmedia.com within 30 days of purchase, and we’ll send you a full refund. No questions asked. I just ask that you show me you’ve implemented every step of the formula I teach before giving you a refund.
In other words, you have a 30-day safety net to make sure this works for you.
Does that sound fair?
If so, don’t hesitate. It’s time to take action.
Click the button below to begin the process of becoming a true media buying pro.
For One Payment of...
It’s not a matter of IF this program will work for you.
It’s a matter of WHEN.
Because the program works… as I’ve seen every time I teach it to media buyers and ad agencies.
So, a year from now, how will life be different as you grow into your new status as a Media Buying Pro?
Picture the praise your clients will shower on you for helping them finally crack the ads code and get 3x or 4x ROAS in their campaigns.
Think of the roster of long-term clients you could have who each pay you $5k to $10k a month?
How will life be different then?
With the Media Buying Pro program, the sky is the limit to your success.
The decision is yours. I won’t twist your arm.
But I will be with you at every step of this journey if you join me today inside this program so you can get the maximum results possible.
Click the button below to become a Media Buying Pro.
Travis Moh
P.S. Are you tired of being just another media buyer in the vast sea of media buyers?
How can you get higher retainers, better clients, and better commissions if you’re just an average, status-quo media buyer?
You need to find a way to stand out… to get superior results for clients… and to prove you can get clients great results.
The Media Buying Pro program is designed to do exactly that.
With my 9-step formula, you’ll have everything you need to break out of the feast-or-famine media buyer hamster wheel.
You’ll have the tools to get your clients amazing results, beat the competition, and make them HAPPY to pay you big retainers and big commissions because of the success you’re bringing to them.
If you’re ready to stand out head-and-shoulders above the competition and become a true Media Buying Pro…
Click the button below to get lifetime access to the program, and to ongoing coaching from me.
I’ll see you on the inside.
For One Payment of...
Who is this program NOT for?
Agencies / Media Buyers that serve Ecommerce business. The strategies you’ll learn won’t be tailored toward ecomm physical product businesses (unless it’s selling information physically like a book). Everything will be aimed at digital products, high ticket coaching, lead gen for services, membership sites.
I’ve never ran ads before. Is this program for me?
Yes, in fact it’ll tell you all the pre-launch steps you need before evening touching ads manager. Like funnel strategy, copywriting, setup, tracking, etc. Then, it’ll show you how to run ads themselves (as low as $10/day in spend an as high as over $10,000/day in spend)
I know how to run ads at a beginner / intermediate level. Is this program for me?
Yes, these are the same strategies I use to scale ad accounts to over $10,000 per day in adspend profitably. This program will take your skillset to the advanced level so you can get better results & charge more .
Does this include Facebook ads and instagram ads?
Yes, Facebook owns instagram, so whenever you hear Facebook ads or Meta ads, it refers to both.
Does this course cover funnel building?
No, it talks funnel strategy & conversion rate optimization. Although, in the future, we have plans to add in a funnel building masterclass.
My ad account is banned, will this course show me how to get it back up?
I teach best practices for the written and unwritten rules of ad compliance on Facebook/instagram. However, if your ad account or other assets are already banned/restricted from advertising, email me at travis@adpushmedia.com and
I have another service to help you workaround the restrictions.
For One Payment of...
“Since then, I’ve beat every single agency my ads have competed against by at least 50%, and in some cases, 75%. Travis’s formula helped me go from being an average media buyer to an amazing one. My clients are thrilled with the results.”
Agency Founder, Offer Upstart
Dear fellow Media Buyer,
It’s tough out there. Media buyers and ad agencies are a dime a dozen, and competition is steep!
When I first started teaching my proven ad-buying formula to agencies and media buyers, I was nervous.
I knew that I had to completely reinvent myself and everything I’d learned.
Before I spent tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours figuring out how to consistently get my clients great results with paid ads, I was falling flat.
Helping media buyers and ad agencies destroy their competition and become indispensable to their clients.
Yet, piece by piece, I built a high ROAS formula that worked really well for me.
It helped me escape the typical low-ball retainers most media buyers get stuck in, and get much higher monthly retainers of $5k to $10k—plus healthy commissions (I’ll tell you more about this formula in just a minute).
But I didn’t know if my high ROAS formula would work for other media buyers.
First, I taught it to my friend Brooklyn. She was doing fine getting new clients, but she struggled to get consistent results with her ads. She was always afraid her head was on the chopping block.
After implementing my high ROAS formula, her clients now treat her as a partner because of the high returns she gets them consistently.
Then, I taught it to my friend Chris. He struggled to get long-term clients… instead of one-off projects… in his white-label funnel-building agency.
He added the running of Facebook Ads using my high ROAS formula to his offer and, within just a few months, he’s started keeping the majority of his clients on for much longer retainers. His income has increased dramatically as a result.
Agency Founder, Brooklyn Kay Marketing Co
When I showed my high ROAS formula to my friend Austin, he said to me… “Travis, you’ve got to share this with more people. It’s dynamite!”
So, I did. I started teaching more media buyers like Brooklyn, Chris, and Austin my formula, and I’ll tell you more about how you can get in on my closely guarded secrets in just a minute.
Each time I taught my formula, these media buyers started seeing increased results within a day or two. And within 3 or 4 months, their results were 2x, 3x, and even 4x return on ad spend.
This works so well, you can prove it for yourself for just $10 a day in ad spend. And it can take you to over $10,000 a day in ad spend!
You don’t have to run MASSIVE amounts of traffic to start getting great results. Though, on average, it does take about 3 months to see the bigger 3x and 4x returns… if you stick to the formula.
But before I get into the details of this formula, let me tell you how I got here.
Before I figured out my high ROAS formula, I was a super frustrated, nearly broke media buyer.
I was about to get married and pretty freaked out that I wasn’t going to be able to support my wife.
Would we have to move in with my in-laws to make ends meet?
And even after taking a bunch of courses, joining coaching programs, and spending over $60k in training…
I still couldn’t keep any clients for more than a month or two.
It totally sucked.
I had to figure something out, and FAST!
Otherwise, I’d have to go back to teaching guitar lessons for crappy pay and see the disappointment on my fiance’s face.
I pored over the different ad accounts I’d worked on, trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. And I started noticing some patterns.
Many media-buying influencers tell you to simply increase the lead flow into your funnels to fix conversions. But my numbers showed something completely different. If all you do is increase the number of leads you have entering the funnel, there’s no guarantee that they won’t escape through the cracks of the funnel as fast as they entered.
Over and over, I saw that the key to each successful campaign came to steps I took way before I opened up the Ads Manager and started running the ads.
I began taking these few extra steps to prepare for each campaign launch, including…
Making sure the structure of my client’s funnel didn’t have holes where leads could drop off, completely wasting their ad spend.
Digging deeper into audience research to better understand the prospect's pains and desires and how they connected to the offer.
Either re-writing or helping my client or their copywriter re-write the ad copy in a much more persuasive way that I discovered after studying hundreds of great ads.
Preparing what I call a “Media Game Plan,” which makes setting up the ads in Ads Manager MUCH faster and easier. It helps you make all the many decisions required to launch your ads beforehand. Plus, it keeps all the campaigns, ad sets, ads, audiences, targeting plans, and other assets organized and easy to access, test, and track.
I call these extra steps my “pre-launch” steps. And they’ve become an integral part of the successes I’ve had running ads for my clients.
Most Facebook Ads programs either neglect these crucial “pre-launch” steps, or just skim over the surface.
Instead, they focus mostly on turning on the switches in the ads manager, a little basic testing, and that’s about it.
This is a huge recipe for disaster.
Here’s the issue…
When you’re in the Ads Manager, there are TONS of decisions to make. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the decisions and mess up your ads without really knowing it.
And once your ads are running, there’s a whole lot of data you have to sort through. If you know how to interpret the data, you’ll be able to figure out what’s working, what’s not working, and how to scale profitably.
However, most media buying programs don’t focus nearly enough on crucial “before launch” preparations and “after launch” data interpretation and scaling secrets.
Additionally, it’s become the trend to just let Facebook’s AI take care of all your targeting… which is another massive mistake.
Yes, the AI is very powerful. But if you let it run free without a little guidance, and without setting up a few simple pre-launch steps, you won’t get the most out of the AI… not by a long shot.
To sum it up…
Without a solid and all-inclusive “pre-launch” strategy…
Without a way to best harness the power of Facebook’s targeting AI in your favor…
And without the right data interpretation and testing methods…
Your ads will very rarely be profitable.
With knowledge, I was able to start getting very consistent results for my clients, and for the agency owners and media buyers I taught to use my methods.
These discoveries were…
The MISSING LINK I was looking for!
The more I taught my discoveries to other media buyers, the more I realized that, wherever you are in your media buying career, they can work for you.
If you’re a beginner, you can quickly get grounded in the fundamentals of this formula.
It’s a step-by-step media buying and conversion rate optimization formula that helps you become a strong intermediate media buyer within a couple of weeks.
You’ll also learn advanced techniques through a logical progression of tasks. And you’ll get really quick at finding the leaks in any funnel.
And if you’re already a media buying expert, this formula will show you how to take what’s working for you already and get the kind of results I’ve been getting for my clients, like these…
In my first campaign with Tyler Koronich, the founder of TRVFIT, a fitness and supplement company, I got his cost-per-click down 84% to only $1.11. Before, he had been paying $7 for each click.
That’s a 600% improvement, which turned a poor 0.6x return-on-ad-spend into a hugely profitable 4.2x return-on-ad-spend.
Cost-per-click report for Tyler Koronich of TRVFIT
I helped Matt Dancho, the founder of Business Science, get a 22.93x return-on-ad-spend for an online course launch, resulting in $215,127 in revenue with only $9,382 in ad spend.
Revenue report for Matt Dancho at Business Science
And since I started running ads for Bridger Pennington, who coaches investors, we’ve spent over $3M on ads and brought in total revenue of over $21M.
Revenue report for Bridger Pennington at Fund Launch
Bridger ran a 90-day ad contest between my team and Dean Graziosi’s ad agency.
The Graziosi agency got a few sales over the 90 days, but they did it at a loss of $14k.
Using my formula during the same 90 days, Bridger’s team brought in over $104k in profit.
Profit report from test against Dean Graziosi’s Ad Agency
The high ROAS formula I’ve built and honed over the past few years teaches you how to get your clients great results by maximizing the conversion-rate-optimization (CRO) of each campaign.
That may sound complicated, and like it takes a ton of extra work. Yet, it’s a lot easier than you might think.
Actually, if you stick with my step-by-step formula, within a few short months, you’ll naturally begin maximizing the CRO of each campaign.
That’s when you start seeing the 3x, 4x, and even bigger results. That’s when you can start getting bigger retainers.
And that’s when you’ll start
keeping clients much longer… as much as 12 months or more…
instead of constantly going through the feast and famine, stuck on the never-ending “hunt-for-the-next-client” merry-go-round.
Your clients will feel and appreciate how invested you are in their full marketing strategies, and you will quickly become irreplaceable to them.
With your ability to maximize CRO, this formula will keep working even when the platform and algorithm inevitably change without warning… as they tend to do frequently.
You’ll be well on your way to becoming a CRO expert… which is far more valuable than being just another media buyer.
"I hit a ceiling and couldn't scale past $1,000 per day. With one tip, Travis helped me identify and fix my biggest bottleneck, which helped me scale to $2,000 a day in ad spend with over a 3x ROAS."
Founder, Painter Growth
I hear a lot of people say...
“My ads didn’t work because the algorithm changed again.”
If these people learned to run ads from a typical Facebook Ads course, this statement is probably true… because the majority of media buying strategies the gurus teach are short-sighted and depend almost entirely on the functionality of the platform.
And this is the main reason why they can’t get more than the industry standard $2k to $3k retainers. And it’s why they struggle to get any additional commissions, or even keep clients longer than a month or two on average.
But when you work to maximize conversion-rate-optimization—like you will when using my step-by-step formula—it doesn’t matter what types of changes occur on the ad platform or with the algorithm. Because you’re using a robust strategy, of which, the platform is just one piece of the puzzle.
My formula puts you in control of every campaign, no matter what changes come.
Of course, you’ll have to adjust the way you use the formula slightly each time a platform change occurs.
But you’ll always be in control.
And even though it’s a robust formula…
It only takes about a week or two to
implement the whole program.
This is a quality-over-quantity program. I cut through all the fluff and distill the exact progression of steps you need to take to deliver the high ROAS this formula is capable of delivering.
That way, you have all you need to get great results, command higher monthly retainers and commissions, and become indispensable to your clients who will need you on their team long term.
This is the last ads program you’ll ever need.
And when updates come to the platform, this program will be updated shortly after so you never have to worry about it becoming outdated.
So now, let’s jump into the step-by-step progression of my formula so I can show you how it can work for you.
Agency Founder, Doug Pew Copywriting
First, it’s important to note who this program is NOT for.
It is not designed for eCommerce, direct-to-consumer physical product businesses.
It’s a program specifically designed to help media buyers and ad agencies who work in lead generation, and who serve coaches, course creators, and high-ticket service providers.
Whether you’re brand new or running up to $500k a month in ad spend, this program will make you a media buying pro.
Now, let’s get the big question…
What makes this program different from other media buying programs?
This is not just another do-it-yourself course.
You get ongoing support from me inside our online Media Buying Pro private community platform for no additional charge… and no monthly subscription.
You pay once and get to keep the training program for life. Plus, for the first 50 members…you get two monthly group coaching calls with me and other media buyers in the program for a whole year.
You won’t be left to your own devices.
I’ll be here to help you along the way.
Co-Founder, The Plumbing Gurus
And no, the program won’t ever get outdated. In fact, as new changes to the algorithm and user-experience occur, updates to the trainings will take place–so you can be sure it’s evergreen.
Now, as I walk you through my formula, I’ll show you exactly what’s unique about it, and how it will help you start getting higher ROAS, leading to higher retainers and commissions.
I’ve dialed in everything I use to get my coaches and course creator clients high ROAS into 9 individual video masterclasses… one for each step of my formula.
In total, the program takes only 2-and-a-half hours to watch. And I give you all my tracking sheets, pre-launch checklists, and after-launch testing checklists to make getting high ROAS faster and easier.
Plus, I give you my favorite and most helpful testing tool. I call it, my…
“Holy Grail ROAS Calculator.”
What if you could forecast the profitability of your funnel BEFORE you spend a single dollar on ads?
Well, now you can, with my “Holy Grail ROAS Calculator".
Holy Grail ROAS Spreadsheet
All you do is enter the data you collect from the Ads Manager and enter it into the calculator.
Immediately, you will see which step of the funnel is causing the problem. You won’t have to wonder why your funnel isn’t profitable. You’ll know right away.
As you start using my 9-part formula, you’ll start seeing increased results within a day or two. Though, on average, it takes the media buyers and ad agencies I’ve helped about 3 months to see the 3x, 4x, and bigger returns.
It’s important to follow each of the steps one at a time. And remember, though 9 steps seem like a lot, you can easily finish them and learn the entire formula in a short afternoon.
Don’t give in to the temptation to jump ahead and start working in the Ads Manager before you work through the crucial pre-launch steps. Without the pre-launch steps, I can’t guarantee you’ll get the results I’m promising.
Okay, let’s dive in.
Without a profitable funnel structure, you and your clients have lost before you’ve begun.
In fact, if a potential client comes to me for help with ads and they don’t have one of the 6 profitable funnel structures I’ll teach you…
I turn them away because I know no amount of ad spend will make their leaky funnel work.
Most media buyers, and media buying programs, don’t take the time to worry about funnel structure. They just jump in and start running ads.
In Video #1 of our high-ROAS formula, I’ll give you some confidence-building tools you can use right away, including…
The only 6 funnel structures I run ads for. Knowing these profitable funnel structures will immediately give you enormous confidence in your ability to run positive ROAS campaigns. With the visual charts of each funnel I give you in this video, you’ll never have to wonder if they’ll work for your clients.
After years of testing, these are the 6 funnels I know I can help you get results for every time. They are all any coach or course creator needs to grow a highly successful business.
The only 3 types of offers your clients should ever run ads to. Like knowing your profitable funnel structures, understanding these 3 offers and why they work gives you great clarity from the outset. Even on your sales calls, knowing these offers will prove to potential clients that you’re a media buyer they can trust. And if they’re not sure which of the 3 types to start with, I’ll show you which one I always suggest. It’s the one that creates the most upfront profit.
Common funnel-structure mistakes and how to fix them. There are TONS of different funnel structures to choose from and hundreds of possible bells and whistles you “could” add. Apart from how confusing all this can be… and the challenge of decision overwhelm… these bells and whistles can easily distract you from big, money-sucking mistakes. I’ll show you how to avoid them so you can give your clients the very best chance of profitability right out of the gate.
How to use the “Holy Grail ROAS Calculator” to predict the success of each funnel. Clarifying the sales process inside your funnels and understanding how and where to improve each of the 6 funnel structures you’ll use will boost your confidence even more. And with the “Holy Grail ROAS Calculator,” you’ll discover almost immediately the best ways to boost ROAS in each campaign.
With your profitable funnel structure dialed in, you’re ready for…
Most media buyers rely on their clients to provide information about the prospects, the product, the offers, and all other aspects of each campaign. This is a mistake.
Yes, the client can give you useful information. But when you follow my research plan in this video, you’ll discover a highly valuable treasure chest of information that can set you apart from the competition in a big and lucrative way.
Why? Because you’ll understand the prospect even better than your client does, in most cases. This knowledge will help you find the sweet spot in each campaign that unlocks results.
In Step 2 you’ll also discover…
Internal VS external research processes and how they set you apart from the competition. A lot of agencies skip with the internal or external part of the crucial research process. I’ll show you how, with both types of research, you can hit the persuasive target on the bullseye in your campaigns.
It sounds complicated. But with my worksheets, it’s very easy. It will take a little extra time during the pre-launch phase. But this is one of the steps that brings my clients the biggest ROAS… and it will do the same for you.
The “Rosetta Stone” prospect profiling system. The one-page prospect profile this process delivers gives you everything you need to create the most persuasive campaigns possible. I’ll show you how to use this one-page profile to organize your research and give you the edge you need to outperform the ad agencies your clients used to employ… by a long shot… giving you greatly improved status and affection of your clients.
4 steps to understanding your competitors so you can beat them every time. I’ve laid out these action steps for you with my research documents, checklists, and fill-in-the-blank templates. It’s so easy to use that you can pass it off to an assistant or VA without sacrificing the success of any campaign, large or small.
Now that you have a strong funnel structure and incredibly valuable research prepared, you’re ready for…
Many media buyers hate writing ad copy. And that’s totally fine. If that sounds like you, you can quickly train an assistant, team member, or copywriter you work with to write superior ad copy.
The great thing about this ad-writing formula is that it’s really easy to figure out, even if you’re TERRIFIED of learning to write copy.
The truth is, you CANNOT ignore the importance of the ad copy in every campaign you run. And now, I’ve made it much easier for you.
This ad-copy formula is the X factor, and in this video, I’ll give you the exact formula I used to beat Dean Graziosi’s ad agency by a landslide, even though we used identical ad images and videos.
What was the difference between them losing the client $14,000 and me bringing in over $104,000 in profits with the same video ads?
It was ad copy I wrote. And the formula you’ll get in this video is exactly what I used then, and what I always use now to get great ROAS for my clients.
In this video, you’ll discover…
The unwritten Meta rules and how to avoid falling into their compliance trap. It’s one thing to understand the written rules of Meta’s ad platform. But sometimes, the thing that gets your ads shut down or your account banned isn’t publicized in Meta’s rulebook. I’ll walk you through the unwritten rules so you can protect yourself and your clients from ad Meta jail.
6 essential ingredients every winning piece of ad copy MUST include. With this ad-writing procedure at work in your ads, you can be confident your message will resonate with the right people at the right time. It’s built on the back of Step #2, the “research riches” tools, and is the most effective tool I’ve ever used to increase profits for my clients.
11 tested and proven video ad hook scripts. The medium of video has become the heavyweight champion of paid ads in many cases. But creating a video ad script… or having someone on your team create it… is different than writing the ad copy itself. You have about 2 seconds to get and keep your audience’s attention.
Over the years, I’ve tested hundreds of different types of video ad hooks. The 11 I’m giving you in this video are the most effective I’ve ever seen. And they’ve stood the test of time and the running of millions of dollars of ad spend in every niche I’ve used them in.
Now, you’re well on your way to preparing for a blockbuster ad campaign launch. But we have one more step before we open up the ads manager.
This may be the most impactful, most profitability-pushing step in the whole process. It’s worked wonders for me and the media buyers I’ve taught it to.
When I look at the Meta Ads Managers of media buyers and ad agencies, they are almost always a complete organizational disaster. They can hardly tell one client’s campaigns from the next. Without proper organization, you could easily become one of those lackluster agencies who can’t pinpoint why their client’s ads aren’t working or have any clue how to fix them.
The Ultimate Media Game Plan worksheets and checklists will keep you incredibly organized to you can know, understand, and accurately interpret your data quickly… almost at a glance.
I never allow my private coaching clients to launch campaigns for their businesses or their clients unless they use this Ultimate Media Game Plan… because they almost always fail without it.
But with it, you stack the deck in your favor. In this video, I’ll show you the secrets of the Ultimate Media Game Plan, including…
How to save tons of time and hassle building your ad assets. In my experience, agencies lose clients after a month or two because they fail to overcome this particular hurdle. It’s unfortunate because it’s really rather easy when you use my Media Gameplan checklists. With this tool in your arsenal, you’ll quickly demonstrate to your clients why they can’t survive without you.
Best bang-for-your-buck audience-finding procedure. Keeping your audiences organized is another Achilles heel for many media buyers. With so many possible audiences at your fingertips, you have to find a way to sort, organize, and control the best audiences for each campaign so you don’t accidentally double up your campaigns and waste money unnecessarily.
How to find the optimal audience size for best results, even in smaller niches. Some of Meta’s AI tools make finding a great audience to target a lot easier. But in many cases, turning off a few of the AI tools gives you a much better idea of who the best audiences for your campaigns will be.
I’ll show you how to use the Media Gameplan to find great audiences that will make the testing process in step 6 easier and more profitable.
Now with this crucial pre-launch work done, you’re ready to open up the Ads Manager and prepare everything for launch.
This is where most media buying trainings begin. I can’t emphasize enough how crucial it is to do follow the previous 4 steps before you start Step #5. This will either MAKE or BREAK your success.
These pre-launch preparations will also give you enormous confidence in your ability to launch your ads without a hitch, giving them the best chance at quick profitability.
In this final pre-launch step, you’ll discover…
How to easily avoid the profitability-killing setup mistakes many media buyers make. I’ll answer crucial questions such as, which credit card is most likely to get your account shut down? How often you should post on a new business page before it’s safe to run paid ads? How do you properly set up your Ads Manager to avoid hackers?
The answers to these questions have repeatedly helped me plug the profit leaks in the ads manager and help your campaigns reach a healthy ROAS faster. They’ll do the same for you.
How to prove to Meta that you’re a trustworthy advertiser. Meta is constantly on the lookout for hackers, scammers, and tricksters. To prove your trustworthiness as an advertiser, you cannot leave any setup stone unturned. I’ll show you the proper pixel, tracking, and customization processes that give you a gold star in Meta’s book.
How many ads you should launch at once to stay on Meta’s good side. Once your account is warmed up and ready to launch, you need to make sure you prepare the proper amount of ads to keep your account healthy. This is especially crucial in the first 5 days of running your ads.
Plus, you don’t want to burn through all your ad-spend too quickly. The correct number of ads you run, and my daily budget recommendations will ensure you’re not wasting money.
At this point, you’ve got all your ducks in a row. You’re organized. You’re ready to prove to Meta that you’re a legit advertiser they should trust. And most importantly, you’ve dialed in your audience targeting.
Now it’s time to launch your campaign!
If you’ve followed the steps in my high ROAS formula up to this point, launching your ads is super easy.
But to make your launch as successful as it can be, you’ve got to be sure you’re prepared with the proper campaign testing tools. It’s not enough to just turn on the switch, cross your fingers, and hope for the best.
In this 6th video of the formula, I’ll give you my testing tools which have been a major game changer for me. They’ve been one of the biggest keys to my success… along with the ad-copy formula from Step 4… to beating the competition and get my clients superior results. They include secrets such as…
The 4 types of campaigns you must text to ensure maximum results. In my experience, most ad agencies and media buyers stop at simple a/b testing. But you won’t get far against the competition if you only use this surface style of testing.
These 4 testing tools helped me beat the top-tier ad agencies of Dean Graziosi and Garrett White by a landslide. They’ll do wonders for you and make you your client’s marketing hero.
How to prepare for campaign scaling without getting shut down. How much you spend on a campaign can determine how well the platform will allow you to scale that campaign. Many ad agencies are too keen to scale too soon that they shoot themselves in the foot and then struggle for months to correct their mistakes. Following the steps I outline will ensure this doesn’t happen to you.
An inexpensive campaign type the algorithm LOVES. Most media buyers don’t know this trick. Meta gives you BIG brownie points when you use this campaign. Not only is it super affordable, but in many cases, it helps you go viral.
How my “Ad Gameplan” worksheet keeps your CPMs as low as possible. The method outlined on this worksheet helps keep your ad costs way down. I’ve tested this method for several years, and it works better than anything I’ve ever tried. It works just as well for new and experienced advertisers.
At this point, if you’ve followed my formula, you’ll start seeing some great momentum in your campaigns. And you’ll be like an agile puppet master, testing, tracking, interpreting the data correctly, and ready to adjust at a moment's notice to keep your campaigns profitable.
And now you’re finally ready for…
Now you’re really on a roll. With these testing methods in place, you’re primed to begin scaling and getting your clients those 2x, 3x, 4x, and even higher returns on their ad spend. This is where you really prove yourself indispensable to their business.
In this video, you’ll discover my tested and proven scaling secrets, including…
How to know when a campaign is ready to scale aggressively. It can be scary to start dumping lots more money into an ad campaign. How do you know if it will work? If you act too soon, you not only won’t scale well, you could make things worse and cause your campaign to fail.
I’ll show you how much you need to be spending before you scale. And I’ll show you the other important benchmarks you need to hit before you get in over your head so you can always be confident and know when the data shows you’re ready to scale healthily.
Vertical and horizontal scaling and when to maximize each. By how much should you increase your adset or campaign budget when starting to scale? And should you put that spend towards vertical scaling, or horizontal scaling? Both types of scaling can work well.
But one is a safer course to scaling in my experience, while the other is a LOT less predictable. I’ll show you how to do both, and show you the warning signs so you never scale in the wrong direction.
How to best avoid campaign fatigue. Good ads rarely last forever. At a certain point, you need to change your creative and refresh your campaigns. I’ll show you how to interpret the data so you can identify when it’s time to change out the creative.
It’s a simple equation based on the amount of ad spend you’re putting into the funnel, and the numbers it yields tells you how many new sets of ad creatives you (or someone on your team, or the client themselves) need to create each month.
As you begin to scale, now you’re ready to mine for gold in…
Again, most media buying programs talk about retargeting campaigns very early on in the process.
In my experience, it’s a mistake to get too deep into retarteging campaigns until you’ve successfully gone through each of the previous steps. Your audience and your pixel aren’t ready to maximize the retargeting potential of the platform without the previous steps.
In this video, I’ll show you…
Right and wrong retargeting. It’s imperative that you send the right retargeting ads to the right people at the right time so they take the next right step in your funnel. The data I’ll teach you to interpret in this video will show you how many people you need in a retargeting category to get these types of ads to deliver properly.
Without this knowledge, you’ll fall into the money-wasting trap many media buyers fall into at this stage of their campaigns… which is why it seems they can never scale as much as they’d like.
Proper retargeting ad copy. Like before, you don’t have to write your ad copy yourself. But you do need to know how to identify the right type of ad copy for retargeting campaigns. When your prospect is ready to be retargeted, they are now in a different stage of awareness with regard to your offers.
Talking to them at this stage the same way you talked to them before they engaged with is a potentially devastating mistake to make. I’ll break down some of my multi-million-dollar retargeting ad copy for you so you can quickly see how to avoid this mistake.
Using Meta’s AI to 11x the size of your audience. There are many situations where using Meta’s AI is a really bad idea. But when it comes to tapping into the full potential of retargeting campaigns, the Meta AI has some serious firepower. I’ll show you how to maximize this firepower in your favor.
And now, you’re ready for the final piece of the puzzle…
This may be the most lucrative step in the formula. But it only works if you’ve laid the foundation with the previous 8 steps.
In this final video masterclass, I’ll show you…
Fast and easy reporting. The biggest complaint I hear from clients who were unhappy with their previous agency is, they couldn’t get good, reliable data to show if their campaigns were really working, or not. Knowing your sales numbers is not enough.
I’ll show you how to prepare reports for your clients that makes interpreting the data easy and accurate so you never have to wonder if what you’re doing is working or not.
Bottleneck detector and fixer-upper. With the proper reports… which really don’t take long to create and manage… you’re ready to identify the bottlenecks in your campaigns. The reports you run, combined with the “Holy Grail ROAS Calculator,” always point you to the exact problem spots in any funnel.
If you don’t know where the bleeding is in any given funnel, how can you stop it, seal the wound, and heal the funnel? Well, you can’t. But now, with the reporting system and ROAS spreadsheet, you’ll never be in doubt about where the leaks are happening. I’ll also show you how to fix them in each of the 6 funnel structures.
These 9 steps will not fail you. This complete CRO optimization formula will help you get 2x, 3x, 4x, and more ROAS.
The formula only stops working if you stop using it, or you if you use it in the wrong order.
But this is not all you get when you join the “Media Buying Pro” program.
You also get…
BONUS #1: Ongoing Twice-A-Month Group Coaching Calls For A Year
As I mentioned a little earlier, I won’t leave you to figure this out on your own.
Each month I welcome you to 2 live group coaching calls.
You can share your screen, open up your Ads Manager, and I can help you with whatever challenges you face.
Only For The First 50 Members. As long as you are reading this page, you can be one of the first 50 members.
BONUS #2: Media Buying Pro Private Community
You also get to join our community of media buyers. Seeing what other media buyers are doing can be incredibly valuable. Many of them may be further along than you are on your media-buying journey.
Now, you get 24/7 access to our community, where you can share your work, ask questions, and get the help you need.
Plus, I’m the community myself almost every day. You can ask me direct questions and get personalized answers from me so you can quickly get unstuck.
BONUS #3: Early Access To The A.I. Advertising Course
Many media buyers struggle to write ad copy. And if they do the writing themselves, it can be a long and challenging process for them.
That is, until now.
Because with my new A.I. advertising course for media buyers… which you get as a free bonus… you can unlock the speed, power, and persuasion of A.I.
I’ll show you how I personally pump out solid ads based on my 6-part ad copy formula we discussed a minute ago.
Soon, you’ll be creating killer ad copy yourself… even if you HATE writing your own copy.
Now, if you’re ready to become an indispensable asset to your clients…
If you’re ready to command higher monthly retainers of $5k and more…
And if you’re ready to beat the competition every time, end the feast-or-famine client cycle, and keep your clients for much longer than you ever could before…
…then it’s time to click the button below and join the “Media Buying Pro” program.
VIDEO MASTERCLASSES: 9-Step Media Buying Pro Formula and Set of Checklists, Tracking Sheets, and ROAS Calculator (Valued at $6,000)
BONUS #1: Ongoing Twice-A-Month Group Coaching Calls For A Full Year (For First 50 Members) (Valued at $9,800)
BONUS #2: Media Buying Pro Private Community (Valued at $997)
BONUS #3: Early Access to A.I. Advertising Course (Valued at $997)
As you begin applying my formula to your campaigns, you’ll start getting great testimonials like these…
Founder, Business Science
The Advocates, Personal Injury Law Firm
"I was floored with Travis's amazing results. He beat out the best eCom ad agency in the world. He blew them out of the water. He got rid of all our bottlenecks through every step of our funnel.
He lowered our cost-per-click by over 700%. And we've moved more product and filled more events than ever with the campaigns he's run for us."
Founder, TRVFIT
Founder, OnlineJobs.ph
Estate Attorney
"With Travis's help, I was able to create a huge amount of growth and lead generation. It was absolutely incredible. I can't say enough about him. He's an absolute wizard."
Coaching, Real Estate Investors
Naturally, you’re questioning whether or not this program is worth the investment.
I would be asking the same question if I were in your shoes.
When I teach my formula to media buyers in a 1-on-1 coaching situation, I charge $6,000.
You’re getting it for under $2,000… AND… you STILL get access to me, and my coaching in our twice-a-month group calls… and through the discussion board in our private community.
It took me over $60,000 of courses and coaching and masterminds to figure all of this out.
And, I’ve refined the process by running many millions of dollars of my client's ads profitably.
Of course, you could go through the same steps I did to get here.
Or, you can shortcut the process and get my proven formula working for you right away by enrolling in this program.
It is the exact formula I use to generate much higher ROAS for my clients… into the many millions of dollars of profit.
If you’d like lifetime access to this formula that can make your $5k to $10k per month from each retainer client…
…then this might be the best $1,997 you’ve ever spent.
That’s certainly how my client Jordan felt after he tripled his monthly revenue after 3 months using the formula.
Of course, the choice is yours.
But you can also rest well know that you’re covered by my money-back guarantee.
Try It FREE for 30 Days!
Here’s my promise to you…
The “Media Buying Pro” program is exactly how I’ve helped agency owners like you triple their revenue and keep clients for MUCH longer than the 1-3 month industry norm.
It will do the same for you if you put the system to work in the way I teach you.
You have everything you need right here to achieve the success you’ve been looking for. I guarantee it.
But, if for some reason you don’t get results after implementing our high ROAS formula, just let me and my team know with a quick email to travis@adpushmedia.com within 30 days of purchase, and we’ll send you a full refund. No questions asked. I just ask that you show me you’ve implemented every step of the formula I teach before giving you a refund.
In other words, you have a 30-day safety net to make sure this works for you.
Does that sound fair?
If so, don’t hesitate. It’s time to take action.
Click the button below to begin the process of becoming a true media buying pro.
For One Payment of...
It’s not a matter of IF this program will work for you.
It’s a matter of WHEN.
Because the program works… as I’ve seen every time I teach it to media buyers and ad agencies.
So, a year from now, how will life be different as you grow into your new status as a Media Buying Pro?
Picture the praise your clients will shower on you for helping them finally crack the ads code and get 3x or 4x ROAS in their campaigns.
Think of the roster of long-term clients you could have who each pay you $5k to $10k a month?
How will life be different then?
With the Media Buying Pro program, the sky is the limit to your success.
The decision is yours. I won’t twist your arm.
But I will be with you at every step of this journey if you join me today inside this program so you can get the maximum results possible.
Click the button below to become a Media Buying Pro.
Travis Moh
P.S. Are you tired of being just another media buyer in the vast sea of media buyers?
How can you get higher retainers, better clients, and better commissions if you’re just an average, status-quo media buyer?
You need to find a way to stand out… to get superior results for clients… and to prove you can get clients great results.
The Media Buying Pro program is designed to do exactly that.
With my 9-step formula, you’ll have everything you need to break out of the feast-or-famine media buyer hamster wheel.
You’ll have the tools to get your clients amazing results, beat the competition, and make them HAPPY to pay you big retainers and big commissions because of the success you’re bringing to them.
If you’re ready to stand out head-and-shoulders above the competition and become a true Media Buying Pro…
Click the button below to get lifetime access to the program, and to ongoing coaching from me.
I’ll see you on the inside.
For One Payment of...
Who is this program NOT for?
Agencies / Media Buyers that serve Ecommerce business. The strategies you’ll learn won’t be tailored toward ecomm physical product businesses (unless it’s selling information physically like a book). Everything will be aimed at digital products, high ticket coaching, lead gen for services, membership sites.
I’ve never ran ads before. Is this program for me?
Yes, in fact it’ll tell you all the pre-launch steps you need before evening touching ads manager. Like funnel strategy, copywriting, setup, tracking, etc. Then, it’ll show you how to run ads themselves (as low as $10/day in spend an as high as over $10,000/day in spend)
I know how to run ads at a beginner / intermediate level. Is this program for me?
Yes, these are the same strategies I use to scale ad accounts to over $10,000 per day in adspend profitably. This program will take your skillset to the advanced level so you can get better results & charge more .
Does this include Facebook ads and instagram ads?
Yes, Facebook owns instagram, so whenever you hear Facebook ads or Meta ads, it refers to both.
Does this course cover funnel building?
No, it talks funnel strategy & conversion rate optimization. Although, in the future, we have plans to add in a funnel building masterclass.
My ad account is banned, will this course show me how to get it back up?
I teach best practices for the written and unwritten rules of ad compliance on Facebook/instagram. However, if your ad account or other assets are already banned/restricted from advertising, email me at travis@adpushmedia.com and
I have another service to help you workaround the restrictions.
For One Payment of...
Updated: 03/06/2025
Dear fellow Media Buyer,
It’s tough out there. Media buyers and ad agencies are a dime a dozen, and competition is steep!
When I first started teaching my proven ad-buying formula to agencies and media buyers, I was nervous.
I knew that I had to completely reinvent myself and everything I’d learned.
Before I spent tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours figuring out how to consistently get my clients great results with paid ads, I was falling flat.
Helping media buyers and ad agencies destroy their competition and become indispensable to their clients.
First, I taught it to my friend Brooklyn. She was doing fine getting new clients, but she struggled to get consistent results with her ads. She was always afraid her head was on the chopping block.
After implementing my high ROAS formula, her clients now treat her as a partner because of the high returns she gets them consistently.
Agency Founder
Then, I taught it to my friend Chris. He struggled to get long-term clients… instead of one-off projects… in his white-label funnel-building agency.
He added the running of Facebook Ads using my high ROAS formula to his offer and, within just a few months, he’s started keeping the majority of his clients on for much longer retainers. His income has increased dramatically as a result.
When I showed my high ROAS formula to my friend Austin, he said to me…
“Travis, you’ve got to share this with more people. It’s dynamite!”
So, I did. I started teaching more media buyers like Brooklyn, Chris, and Austin my formula, and I’ll tell you more about how you can get in on my closely guarded secrets in just a minute.
Each time I taught my formula, these media buyers started seeing increased results within a day or two. And within 3 or 4 months, their results were 2x, 3x, and even 4x return on ad spend.
This works so well, you can prove it for yourself for just $10 a day in ad spend. And it can take you to over $10,000 a day in ad spend!